General sales terms & conditions
The offer and sale of products on the portal are governed by the General sale conditions. Products bought on are directly sold from Maresca S.r.l. ("the Seller"), whose registered office is in Via Mentana n.30/32/34 46019 Cizzolo (MN) Italy, Company register n° 111243, VAT and tax payer’s code 00140690207
To get all the required information for the purchase, it is suggested to visit the section Purchase guide, to find information on the orders and shipping and to return the products bought on It is possible to ask any further information to the company Customer service. It is possible to get in touch with the seller by e-mail at the following e-mail address: 1. The company commercial policy
1.1 The Seller sells its products on and carries out any electronic trading activity only to its final users, its “consumers”.
1.2 Duly taking its commercial policy into account, the Seller reserves itself the right not to process any oder coming from different subjects to the “consumer”, from people aged less than 18 years old or anyhow orders not compliant with its commercial policy.
1.3 The present general sale conditions only govern the offer, forwarding and acceptance of any product purchasing order on between the users of and the Seller.
1.4 The present general sale conditions do not govern the supply of services or the sale of products by subjects different from the Seller present on through links, banners or other hyper-textual connections. Before entering any order or purchase any product and service from subjects different from the Seller, check their selling conditions, as the Seller is not liable at all for any service supply by third parties different from the Seller or for any electronic trade activity between users and third parties.2. How to enter an agreement with the Seller
2.1 As to enter a purchase agreement for one or more products, an electronic online form is to be filled and to be then electronically forwarded to, complying with the specific instructions.
2.2 On the order form there is a reference to the present General sale conditions and to the information on the voluntary right withdrawal, a general summary on the essential features of each single ordered product and relating prices included taxes or similar imposed duties, payment terms and modes to be used to buy each product and the delivery terms as well of purchased products, the shipping and delivery costs, withdrawal rights and modes and terms to return any bought product.
2.3 The contract is entered when the Seller electronically gets the order form, after checking that information is correct and it accepts it through a confirmation.
2.4 Before buying any product, through the order form forwarding, carefully read the general Sale conditions and the withdrawal right terms, to be printed and saved for any possibly personal use.
2.5 The order form will be saved in the company data base for the required time period to place the order and within however any term imposed by the regulations in force.
2.6 Before forwarding the order form, identify and correct any possible information mistake.
2.7 Once the contract entered, the Seller will be liable for the purchasing order.
2.8 The Seller will not accept any purchasing order with not enough solvency or incomplete or incorrect but also in case the product is not available. Under such conditions, it will inform by e-mail that the order was not accepted duly specifying the main reasons. Should the products, available on be not available or sold at the last site access or when the order form is forwarded, the Seller will promptly inform the buyer, anyhow within thirty (30) days from the day after the Seller received the order, that the ordered products are not available. In case the order is entered and the payment fulfilled, the Seller will duly reimburse the buyer.
2.9 When electronically forwarding the order form, the present General sale conditions are entirely accepted and the Buyer is committed to comply with them in any relation with the Seller. If the Buyer does not agree on any General sale condition term, please do not forward the order form to purchase products on
2.10 When the order form is forwarded, the buyer confirms to be informed and accepts the General sale conditions and any further information put forward on, recalled through the link, including the information on the Privacy in the Withdrawal right section.
2.11 Once the contract entered, the Seller will forward, by e-mail, a purchasing order confirmation including all the information already present on the order form (General sale conditions and information on the withdrawal right, information relating to the main product features and the detail prices, payment terms, withdrawal rights and delivery terms).3. Guarantees and product price information
3.1 The Seller does not sell any used or irregular products or products with a lower quality than the standard products available on the market.
3.2 The product main features are specified on, inside each product information. Images and coloures of offered products on are not binding and could be different real products, due to the internet browser or the used monitor.
3.3 Product prices could be updated. Check the final selling price before forwarding the order.
3.4 The Seller, in case of withdrawal, can decide not to accept any returned product, with no tag/seal/label or modified in their essential or quality feature or in case it is damaged.
3.5 All the products are solved with labels/tags fitted with a single-use seal. Please do not remove the label/tag and the relating product seal, integral to the product.
3.6 The Seller, in case of withdrawal, can decide not to accept any returned product modified in its essential or quality features or in case it is damaged.
3.7 The following delivery terms apply:
- within 72 hours for deliveries throughout the whole Italian territory, peculiar situations excepted.
- within 10 (ten) working days for deliveries in Europe, peculiar situations excepted.
3.8 Goods are forwarded with an insurance and the Buyer, if receiving damaged product, should immediately refuse the shipping and specifying the reason.4. Payments
4.1 As for the price product payment and relating shipping and delivery cost, comply with one of the terms specified on the order form.
4.2 In case of payment by credit card, financial information (for example the credit/debit card number and its expiry date) will be forward through a coded protocol to the reference Bank or to other banks offering remote electronic payments, through a secured access. What is more the information will never be used by the Seller if not to fulfill any purchase, after the withdrawal right or in case of it is necessary to report any fraud through to the competent authority. The product purchasing price and the general shipping conditions, as specified on the order form, will be debited to the buyer current account when shipping the purchased products.5. Customer service
Ask whatever information through the Seller customer service.6. Complaints
Complaints on defective products or shipping service failure could be forwarded by e-mail to the specified e-mail address , within 8 (eight) days from the product reception.7. Applicable jurisdiction and competent court
The sale contract between the Customer and Maresca Srl is placed in Italy and governed by the Italian regulations in force. As for any civil or criminal dispute related to the present remote sale contract, if the Customer is located in Italy, the reference local court will be liable, in all the other cases the Mantua (Italy) Court only is competent.8. Registry and tax information
Name and surname, address and all the other information supplied by the customer at the purchase will be processed by Maresca Srl in compliance with what imposed by Legislative decree n. 196/2003 when orders are placed. As forecast by the regulations, the person affected can ask for the confirmation of its personal information and their clear communication.
What is more the person affected can ask for the information cancellation, change, amendment in an anonymous form or it can ask to block the processed information, for legitimate reasons.
The company liable for the treatment is:
Maresca Srl, registered office Cizzolo (Mantova ) – Via Mentana 30,32 and 34 VAT and tax payer’s code.00140690207.